Surfing Minus Wind Equals To Wakeboarding
Let’s start with answering the first (and second) question you’ve just got in your mind: What is wakeboarding? And how is it practiced?
In this thrilling water sport, you are stabilized on a board from your feet through qualified and comfortable equipment (special wakeboard boots).
And this board carrying you is attached to the back of a speed boat. You know what is next:
The boat starts moving and dragging you behind. And you try to keep up with its rhythms! Yes, it is a kind of surfing, without needing winds for waves.
Boat’s speed is set according to your experience level. So, there is nothing the worry about: you’ll not be flying on the surface from side to side.
You will have a perfect session, approved by your instructors who are responsible for your safety. In short, unless you have physical disability, you can enjoy an exclusive session in the sea!
Adrenalin Addicts’ Matchless “Safer” Decision
Wakeboarding’s getting more and more popular all around the world thanks to its safer conditions and practice than other extreme sports.
And still, you can taste the delicious aroma of adrenaline, speed, splashing waters and possibility of mixing to the waters suddenly!
So you shouldn’t worry about the level of excitement; you’ll get exhilarated anyway!
(PS: Please don’t forget that parasailing is arranged only in favorable weather conditions. So it might be cancelled if things go bad!
Max weight to join in: 140 kg
Max height to join in: 2 meters)
Sport is Sport: Tone Your Whole Body up While Having Fun
Kusadasi Wakeboard might sound as an option of entertainment, but don’t forget that its category is water “sport”, which means you will have a chance to work your muscles, tone your body up and burn calories!
After all the days spent in Turkey, tasting appetizing foods of Turkish cuisine and drinking aromatic beverages, you might prefer to consider our offer once more!
The Best Kusadasi Wakeboard Rental Service
We can humbly claim that we organize the best Kusadasi Wakeboard activity since we are quite experienced, friendly and have affordable prices.
So, if you decide visiting Kusadasi someday and want to do something very unique, fun, exciting and amazing, contact us! We will provide you with everything you want and need…
(PS: Please don’t forget that wakeboard is arranged only in favorable weather conditions as well as all water sports. So it might be cancelled if things go bad!)